Just... wow.
Especially given my current craze with fables and fairy tales, this was an enormously pleasant surprise.
Andy Weir's newest work is called Cheshire Crossing. It is, well... a crossover of epic proportions. Oz meets Wonderland meets Neverland meets who knows what else. With it's advent, I can accept the end of C&A stoically.
So, first impressions of this new strip:
Humor: Check. Unsurprisingly, Weir adds his usual wit to the story. The Wicked Witch and her monkeys are an especial delight.
Story: Well, it's early to be sure - but given this seems to be coming out straight from the gate with a sense of definite purpose, I suspect it will handily deliver.
Art: Weir seems to have developed a new art style for this project - which seems to essentially be a very refined version of his normal art. It's good, no denying it. There are a few perspectives it seems a bit weak at, but they are few and far between. The ladies are, ahem, a bit on the busty side, but I doubt you'll see too many complaints over that.
Overall: I think I summed it up earlier: "Wow." The strip looks amazing. Unfortunately updates look to be sparse - an issue will likely be coming out every 3-6 months. That may speed up with the retirement of C&A, but it still is likely to come sparingly.
Of course, the time put into it shows - it's damn fine stuff. It just means we'll have to suffer in anticipation over future issues. I'm already gathering up a whole pile of questions and speculation about the series. (Top on my list - who, pray tell, is the Man in Black?")
In any case, Cheshire Crossing just looks awesome.
Well done, sir, well done.
Whoa -- Alice, Wendy, and Dorothy become roommates? Alan Moore did a comic about that exact same subject, although his version is called "Lost Girls", and is apparently pornographic. :D
Glad somebody made a post about Cheshire Crossing. I was going to ("I still post sometimes, I swear...") but I don't know if I have time. I'm excited about it, it looks completely awesome.
Yeah, this was one of those few moments when the second I realized what I was getting into, I started feeling the need to talk about it.
(And by talk, I mean babble incoherrently, at length, about how awesome it is.)
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