The comic in question is called the Flowfield Unity; the man behind the comic is one Adam York Gregory, an impressive name in it's own right.
It began, as I understand it, as a print comic that is now being posted to the web. Much like others who have done the same, as well as the countless ones that have done the opposite, it shows that it is quite feasible for a comic to work equally well in either medium.
As for the comic itself, it definitely has potential.
Potential is a funny word. While technically complimentary at its core, it comes across much harsher. After all, saying that something might eventually be good is simply a roundabout way of saying it isn't good right now, yes?
So I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea - I definitely like the Flowfield Unity. It has been a little hit or miss to my tastes, with some strips going over my head and others just falling flat. One of the most visually exciting ones left me indifferent as to the actual content.
But for each one of those, there would be another one that I found exceptionally clever and insightful and amusing.
The larger portion of the strips, though, the largest feeling I felt... was potential.
It comes down to rhythm in a lot of ways. The strips from the very beginning involve exceptionally cool concepts, but they don't quite convey them with the same beat, the same punch as does xkcd or the Perry Bible Fellowship.
They are well-crafted, there is no denying it. When I look at the first strips, I get the sense of nothing so much as visual poetry, illustrated haikus. That is hardly anything to laugh at - and therein lies the problem.
The strip revolves around the premise of turning ideas on their head, and presenting concepts broken ever so slightly askew. But the cleverness of such things will only take you so far, and without the humor found in those oddities, it will be hard to truly leave an impact on the reader.
Of course, there is only some twenty-odd strips in the archive at present date. The beat of the strip may very well change, and start fully delivering on the possibilities it touches upon. May already have done so, in fact, given he is drawing from an already published resource that consists of a much larger body of work.
For right now, though, it remains worth reading. Sometimes it won't do much for me, and sometimes it will deliver something that genuinely leaves me smiling.
Right now it is a comic with potential, and that is nothing to be ashamed of.
Hi there,
...and thanks for mentioning my comic, The Flowfield Unity.
Potential, eh? That'll do for me. I've only been making comics for just over a year, and The Flowfield Unity is my first attempt... if you look closely enough you'll see the learning curve.
Wait until you see what I've been working on recently - (that sounds really egotistical, doesn't it? I wasn't indended to read that way, things get better, that's all).
I just wanted to say thanks really, the comic has a small but fairly dedicated readership in print and online, and I would love for more people to come and have a look and make up their own minds, and let me know what they think... it's the only way I'll learn.
Oh, and as for my name, I have to use my middle name 'York' because of this imposter: http://www.adamgregory.com/
Best wishes,
What's a bit odd about tFU is that there seems to be no less than three sites of it - besides the link in the original post here, there're also these gallery-type and Smack Jeeves versions. And I'm not sure which one I should be following - I think I've seen strips on all three that by then could not be seen on any of the other two. Seeing as mr. Gregory has popped in alreddy, could I ask for an official quote?
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