Now, Sore Thumbs is currently doing... well, something crazy. Other strips have waged the war between humor and drama before, and right now Crosby appears to be giving it a whirl himself.
I'm not entirely positive as to exactly which direction he's trying to take - whether he is trying to be a drama making fun of its own lightheartedness, or trying to be a funny strip making fun of its attempts to add psycho-drama, or just making fun of the whole shebang.
Regardless, I'm liking it, and it does a good job of making both perspectives work.
Oh, and I'll admit it - the "Cheney Shot First" shirt made me laugh. Yes, in fact, "out loud," as the kids say.
I think that shirt's for sale on the Keenswag store. I saw it in the newsbox.
I might go back and try Sore Thumbs again, this reminds me. I tried reading it about a year back and just couldn't get into it.
It has always been one of those strips that there are certainly times I wondered why I read it (in large part cause I could take or leave the political satire strips), but there has been some stuff of late that I've been digging.
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