It might return somehow, someday - but when an author puts his comic on indefinite hold, it tends to be the exceptions that return to life. Justin Pierce has put Killroy and Tina to rest, and the safe bet is that they won't be seen again.
He's done so masterfully, admittedly. When you consider that the strip was all set to build up to a grand, epic story, when you had glimpses of the future to come, you would imagine that cutting things short would be a recipe for disaster.
But he ends it well. He finds the point where we can disengage from the story without feeling cut off. Where we can appreciate the five years of comics he's given us, rather than despair over the fact that there won't be five years more.
When I first heard the news, I'll admit I was distressed, despairing, dismal, and sundry other words that begin with 'd'. But that state has passed, and we do still have nonadventures to embark upon, and in the end, I suppose we can safely say, everything is fine.
Justin has always been one of webcomic's good guys. I'm glad he's getting the props he deserves.
Yeah, I was actually surprised at how little commotion there was at the end of K&T. Which I half-theorized above was due to him tying things off so well, but nonetheless, I was somewhat sad there wasn't more commotion about it, given it's quality.
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